Joan Leotta Recipes

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Swordfish Involtini

We discovered a restaurant that served the swordfish involtini (rolled and stuffed) on a side street in Taormina,Sicily. This was in 1980, in the days before the internet top ten suggestions. We found the restaurant by chance, looking at the menu and asking our hotel for suggestions. I don’t remember what I ordered that night.…

Not Baaaaad

Not Baaaaaad A Lamb Recipe from a recipe mentioned in Voice of the Violin ­­ Do you like soft music while you eat? Agnello (Lamb) alla cacciatore is the recipe I’ve chosen from the several dishes mentioned in Voice of the Violin. Montalbano eats this masterpiece at a little osteria not far from his home…

April 24

So, the blog did not publish on April 17 in spite of my best efforts with scheduling. I’m finally back at home, having driven home on April 21. We spent a wonderful three weeks with our daughter, helping her move–family is what it is all about. I re-read book three in Montalbano series, and the…

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